Happy Campers: 6 Tips to Make Camping Safe and Enjoyable

Happy Campers: 6 Tips to Make Camping Safe and Enjoyable

Family camping time is finally here! But before you load up the tent, sleeping bags and high-calorie snacks, there are things to do and remember to make your trip fun and safe. Check out these tips:

1. The Right Site

When camping, you don’t just go to the most popular one or the one near you. Safe camping requires you to be on the right site. How do you know this? 

When choosing the right type of camping site for you, some factors need to be considered: 

  • Age
  • Physical limitations
  • Medical needs

Consider these things when choosing a campsite, especially if you will be with people who have medical conditions and kids. 

RVs and cabins offer more amenities and safety; however, most campers prefer a tent. Check if the site allow tents or if you are required to book a cabin stay.

2. It’s All Up to the Weather

You don’t want to be in the middle of nowhere during a raging storm, right? Also, when it comes to safe camping, you need to keep an eye on the weather forecast before your trip. The weather can change within the hour. So, even if the forecast is sunny, it’s smart to pack for inclement weather. In fact, it’s best to plan your camping trip one month in advance. 

3. Proper Storage is Everything

It’s a big no-no to leave food out on the site because you could attract wildlife. That’s why storage is everything for safe camping. Make sure food is in tight, waterproof containers, and place them in an insulated cooler. Moreover, always wash your hands before and after meals to avoid food-borne illnesses. 

4. Campfire Safety Is a Must

Before you light up that bonfire, you need to know campfire safety first. Keep in mind that fires within the campground site should be 15 feet away from the tent, shrubs and trees. Keep the fire small and contained in a designated area and never leave it unattended. Finally, always have a water bucket nearby. 

5. Insect Protection 

Mosquitoes, ticks and other insects are common on campsites. Therefore, it’s only smart to bring insect protection with you. An insect repellent is an excellent solution for this. 

Aside from that, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when hiking to avoid direct contact with insects. After the hike, place your clothes in the dryer for at least 10 minutes on high heat to kill any insects that may have come with you. 

Finally, it’s a good idea to check for ticks daily while you’re camping. They may hide in unsuspecting areas of your body. 

6. Sun Protection

Along with insect protection, you also need to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays, even if it’s a cloudy day. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and lip screen with at least SPF 15. 

Camp Safely!

Now that summer is here, thousands of people are getting ready to head out on a camping trip for the first time. If you’re going camping, it’s important to remember a few tips that will help make your trip much safer. These tips can help take you on the safe route for an enjoyable camping trip by yourself or with your loved ones. 

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