SINGING ROCK is one of the world leaders on the market of climbing equipment and professional protective equipment for work at height, military and rescue. The company is located in the heart of Europe in the Czech Republic near Krkonoše National Park and Bohemian Paradise where are situated the amazing sand stone rock climbing areas. Most of the staff are climbers and together with their sponsored athletes and professionals they are able to develop, test and improve our high quality climbing and personal protective equipment.

Knowledge & Experience
Singing Rock run lean management system with horizontal organization structure. Thanks to this structure we are able to react immediately and customize our products and services for your specific needs. All activities at Singing Rock run under QMS certification according to ISO 9001 standards with special attention to development, production and sales of Personal Protective Equipmenta gainst fall from height (Module D Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council)and training and consultation services for securing persons at height.

It is not necessary to talk too much about the innovation as it is inherently present in all our products. New and original solutions need to be protected by patents. Dynamic and static ropes utilizing Route44 technology, harness buckle system Rock&Lock or Micro Step Adjustment system used at our crampons are the examples of innovative approach of Singing Rock's Research and Development team.

Appropriate technology and tools are essential to produce first-class products. Singing Rock innovative products are developed and produced in the Czech Republic and are thoroughly validated in their own testing and training centres.

Meeting minimum requirements is obvious – but Singin Rock go further by performing tests to simulate all kind of usage as the basis for further development. All their products are certified and fully comply with appropriate EU directives and standards and requirements of US market (CE, NFPA and ANSI). Singing Rock actively participates in preparation of these standards and directives by its work in the UIAA Safety Commission and CEN working group.

Singing Rock bear the responsibility to keep our planet green and to preserve its riches for our kids. Singing Rock is a proud member of the European Outdoor Conservation Association to help with the conservation projets worldwide – to give back to the great outdoors.

Singing Rock are climbers and they love climbing. Either sport or industrial climbing. Enthusiasm drives our innovations and improvements. SINGING ROCK is climbing and simply have everything what you need for your climbing and personal protective equipment to reach your personal or professional goals.

SINGING ROCK want to grow as an internationally recognized quality brand, developing and introducing the products that make it possible to safely move in the vertical world of mountains, rocks, caves as well as at work at height and rescue.
SINGING ROCK promote climbing as a healthy activity developing body and mind, a healthy activity for anybody who seeks a firsthand experience of the natural laws and who wants to learn not only about their environment but also about themselves via climbing.
SINGING ROCK keep improving the reliability and functionality of the equipment, whether it is used for the work at height, rock climbing or rescuing people in the critical situations that can be encountered in the vertical world.
SINGING ROCK promote use of their products and methodology of the climbing techniques in other fields of work, such as rescue, engineering, work at height repairs and maintenance, police, army, fire brigade etc.
SINGING ROCK put emphasis on informing the customer perfectly about use of the equipment for the above mentioned activities and they actively participate in creating the methodology for these activities as well as in creating the corresponding international standards.
SINGING ROCK provide, keep and improve the PPE system of quality control management, certified by notified testing according to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard with regard to the Regulation (EU) 2016/425 of the European Parliament and of the Council.- personal protective equipment against fall from heights.
SINGING ROCK implement new and modern trends in the company management, MBO based on the process approach that uses the tools of the project management.